Disclaimer: If you're vegan or vegetarian, I recommend you to not read this post. :(

Long sleeve tee: MonLily
Cardigan: Liz Lisa
Skirt: Ank Rouge
Shoes: Princess Melody
My parents love to see me dressed up when I go out with them (which is not something that happens really often). They say that since they see me dressing up and putting effort on my looks for social media or when I go out with friends, at least I should make the same effort for the love of my family. And that's a good point! So I chose that skirt I haven't wore before and I super love the print.
We ordered flanken, picanha, tomahawk, french fries, salad and more stuff to acompany that. Honestly talking I'm not the biggest fan of meat. I think it's delicious but it's not good for my digestion and I get bored when I have to chew a lot and at the end I just don't want to eat anymore, so I got me mac and cheese. Yeah, I'm a kid. I know.
I tried a little bit of meat, just for the experience and kept eating my macaroons. Haha. The french fries were really good too. I really like that french fries here are with native potatoes, they definitely have a special and different flavor.
I call this photo: I'm happy but after 100 failed attempts of taking a good picture I just want to kill myself. 
But the good thing is that we went to eat super early so I came back home around 4 pm and made a lot of tiktoks. Lol. I'm obssesed.
I came back, had extra energy to do my hair and here I am. What!
@reilaless @109wes 🤓🤓🤓 ##gyarutiktok ##gaijingyaru ##alttiktok ##gyaruo
♬ you want me....crickets - isabella 🥸
Mamma mia, mira que estoy intentando reducir mucho el consumo de carne y pescado, pero que pintaza tiene todo lo que comisteis! *q*
ResponderBorrarPrecioso el maquillaje y el outfit, as always <3
Un besito Reila! ♡