Hey, Gals! Today is just a casual post I'm excited to do because I love quizes / q&a's. Leia, a cute gal from Italy, made this Gyaru Card as a challenge to write about so, here I go! If you want to know more about me and Gyaru, keep reading. (♡˙︶˙♡)
Your Nickname/Gyaru/Blogger name
My name is Reila and my blog is The Name I Love.
Reila is a song from the GazettE and The Name I Loved is a song from SHINee.
Birthday & Zodiac Sign
Moon in Leo, Rising sun in Cancer.
Your style & Fav style:
Fav Era/Year
2008~2013 was the best era for me. There was the evolution of Liz Lisa from Roma to Himekaji, the birth of Ank Rouge with more Himekaji to Otome looks but with a preppy twist. But at the same time was Dear My Love / Dream V basically guiding the style with their pure Himekaji looks. It's shame we don't talk enough about Dream V.

Top 5 Jap Gyaru Models
I follow many models on Instagram but I'm not a big fan of any in particular. I follow more the trends, the looks, the items I'd like to wear rather than people. I get the aspiration of many gals to look like their fav models and such but it's not my case.
Fav Magazine
I love EGG because that's the magazine that got me into Gyaru, so I always say EGG. However the magazine that brings me more inspiration is Popteen.
Top 5 brands
Liz Lisa, Ank Rouge and MA*RS. (╥ω╥) LizMelo and Liz Lisa Doll count as a brand? Haha.As a complement I could say Swankiss and Lodispotto. I like Bubbles too though!

Top 5 inspo coords
From Liz Lisa, their floral prints and patterns are my absolute jam.
But from Ank Rouge, I'm obssesed and collecting their cherry and strawberry prints. That's what I work for. I already have the first dress but in pink (you can see the header of my blog) and other prints as well in their different color variations. But I really want to get as much as I can.
Not all of them because some silhouettes are not really my taste and some dresses are Otome/Lolita borderline and that's definitely not my thing. But I could make some sacrificies depending on the design. Specially their black prints~ Last week I unblocked my love kurohimekaji, how I'm calling from now on.
Top 5 inspo coords from other gals
This is a tricky one haha. Because when I got into old-school Himekaji there was no other active gals into the substyle, then Lizzie started to dress like that and now we're two. Then I joined the Himekaji gals Discord but all of them are into modern Himekaji.But now that I think about that, I could say Rosie could be a good inspo. I remember she used to be into Himekaji when I was just starting Gyaru, circa 2012-13, so I'll check her looks right now because that could be a good option. 
Ok, I've decided Rosie is my top inspiration from now on and I want her old wardrobe. I arrived almost 10 years late for this but better than never.
Top 5 your cords
This is hard to choose as well. Since there are some dresses I love I haven't had the chance to wear yet. Lol. But I'll choose 5 co*des I love. I started dressing Himekaji at the end of 2018, but it wasn't until months after that I actually got more stuff to put together a whole look and I changed my hair to pink.2020: February & December
2021: February (Valentines Day) & March (Himekaji Coord Challenge)
I started Gyaru in 2013, however it wasn't until 2018 that I actually found the substyle I love the most, so I'm just sharing Himekaji looks this time. o(>< )o
Top 5 fashion / must-have items
- Tigh high boots
- A JSK or OP
- Plain blouse
- Printed skirt
- Heels
Top 5 Gyaru goals
- Get all my dream dresses and skirts
- Get more shoes/heels
- Create quality content
- Improve my photography
- Film more ParaPara routines
Top 5 Gyaru achievements
- ギャル ❤ ParaPara!! International Project
- Brands I model for on fashion shows and collections
- Events I got invited as a panelist
- Getting to balance my personal life / mental health and Gyaru content
- Renewing my wardrobe completely
Last 5 Gyaru gets
- Lizmelo catalogues
- Lizmelo bags
- Liz Lisa bloomers
- Liz Lisa tees
- Liz Lisa poncho
5 itmes from your Gyaru Wishlist
Suggestions for a beginner Gyaru
Being Gyaru with no money is a myth. For any alternative fashion you need to save and invest. You will need makeup mostly, but after that you will want to start building your wardrobe. Even if you can work with what you already have, you will want to get better. You can do it on a budget, of course, but there's going to be an investment in youself anyways.Practicing is key. I've had many cases of baby gals who ask me for makeup advice however most of the time they don't understand that explaining them what do to or giving tips that could work is not going to make their skills to do their makeup magically appear. And that brings frustration in them.You have to practice to get better. You have to practice to get used to your own features. You have to practice to find your personal style and products that work for you. You have to practice to improve. And it's ok to make mistakes and being not that good at the beginning. We all start like that.
And be kind. Be kind to yourself and be kind with others.
Hope you enjoy this casual blog post. I thought it was going to be easier to do, but it actually made me think a lot haha. If you want, you can join this challenge as well or share with me: Which are your main Gyaru achievements / goals? Or which would be your tips for baby gals? 

Your hair is so stunning 🌸
ResponderBorrarBlog de la Licorne *
Thank you! You're so sweet. (//▽//)
BorrarI loved dream v's himekaji items back in the day. I also agree with your beginner tip it all comes with practice and trying things until you find out what you like <3
ResponderBorrarYeah! I really want to get old DreamV stuff but it's so hard to find. Even when they had soooo much variety back in the day.🥺❤️
BorrarHimekaji queeeeeen :)!!
ResponderBorrarDream V boots are top and suuuuper comfy (I had ones more himekaji style that I gave away some years ago, but my favourite black tigh high boots are from Dream V as well and I love them soo much)
Aaand OMG am I crying???I am crying!(happy tears of course 🤣🥰) I didn’t expect to see me there, such an honor :3 thank you 🧡🧡🧡
Your makeup is always inspiring. uwu ♡ Siempre me ha dado pena que no se aprovechen las sombras de color en el Gyaru. 99% se ven tan plano, que ver tus looks es super refrescante. ♡ ( ̄З ̄)
BorrarAhhh so much Himekaji inspo 😍💕 It was super interesting! And I'm gonna save a lot of Liz Lisa pics lololol
ResponderBorrarThank you for joining the challenge :D you're such a cute himekaji gal!
Thank yooou. ♡ I'm really happy I found your blog as well.
BorrarI love this post! I am also a huge fan of the old Himekaji.
ResponderBorrarooooo I remember Rosie! She was one of my favorite spanish bloggers along with Nino. I wanted her closet so much too XD Now she's a streamer.
Really loving your take on Himekaji. You're so pretty!♥
Right! haha when I started Gyaru I never like Himekaji but now I just want all her Liz Lis clothes haha I wish I got into Himekaji before to buy her stuff when she quited. lol
BorrarOmggg I haven't finished the draft of my Gyaru Card yet xD I'm the worst at blogging ╰(▔∀▔)╯
ResponderBorrarI love (as always <3) the post, u're such an inspiration to me and a lot of gals (´ ∀ ` *)
Thank yoooou! (♡°▽°♡)
BorrarEstaré atenta a tu Gyaru Card para leerlo.